Friday, April 1, 2011

My how time flies!

I can't believe it's April 1st already! It's supposed to hit 70 degrees today which is FABULOUS!!
 Unfortunately, it's supposed to snow Sunday with a low of 48 and a high of 49 the next day...OF COURSE! IT'S SPRING BREAK...MUST HAVE SNOW!

Anyway, a bit of an update since the last post...
  • Sammi has been home for seven weeks! It's been amazing having her home. She's working at Busath Photography with Mal, which has been fun for both of them. She's getting reacquainted with a few friends and enjoying life.
  • Mal is growing and growing! Our little baby Forbes (still unnamed but they say they're getting closser to a decision) is coming right along and I'm LOVING sewing all kinds of baby stuff and picking up a few little things for him. Yesterday, she posted on Facebook that she's officially in her third trimester. So excited to be a Grammy!!
  • Zack and Kenzi are doing great. Zack's back continues to be a "pain" (no pun intended); he finally went to see Dr. Bean on Monday and he has a bulging disk. He's got the body of a 90 year old! It's pretty sad when you watch him walk and he's only 25!!  He's out of town a lot still which is good because it means there's still work out there for him. Kenzi is still at Tanner Clinic and loves it. She lined Sammi up with the cutest guy that she works with last week. She won the prize for the best birthday present ever (she gave Clint Sammi's phone number on her birthday).
  • Maddi is still at Zions Bank and brings home amazingly creepy customer stories most days. I don't understand how some people (men) can think it's OK to hit on cute young girls...especially when they're old enough to be her grandpa! She's dating and loves to have FUN!!!
  • Bob is busy at work but enjoys a "Wingman Day" every couple of weeks (they get half a day off for meeting some production thing or other). Would be rough working for the government...
  • I can't believe we're two weeks into fourth term! It's been an interesting year but I can't wait for summer!!
I'll post pictures of sewing projects shortly...

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