I can't believe it's 2009 already! We've had an eventful, stressful, relaxing, enjoyable time off. My mom had a stroke on December 12 which was horrible and scary but she's doing fine now. I'm helping as much as I can but always wish I could do more. Darn job!! Anyway, she's doing much better and we hope for lots more time with her.
We had a GREAT Christmas with all the kids. Bob and I bit the bullet and bought a Wii for our house.
We've had a lot of fun playing on it since Christmas (Sammi said we didn't buy it for the family...Bob and I got it for ourselves and "gave" it to them.)
I keep trying to play Mario Kart but the "hand--eye coordination" isn't what it used to be! The kids make a lot of fun of me because I tend to really "get into" my moves as I'm driving. At least I'm good for a laugh!! :) Oh well...it's fun!
I also got an iTouch! I'm so excited about it but I'm still trying to figure it all out. I really wanted it for playing music in the living room since we don't have a stereo or radio upstairs. I'm working on getting some nice speakers...and how to run it! (Just ask the kids...they know how to do it all!)
Hope you had a great holiday and are ready to go for 2009!!