Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it's 2009 already! We've had an eventful, stressful, relaxing, enjoyable time off. My mom had a stroke on December 12 which was horrible and scary but she's doing fine now. I'm helping as much as I can but always wish I could do more. Darn job!! Anyway, she's doing much better and we hope for lots more time with her.

We had a GREAT Christmas with all the kids. Bob and I bit the bullet and bought a Wii for our house.

We've had a lot of fun playing on it since Christmas (Sammi said we didn't buy it for the family...Bob and I got it for ourselves and "gave" it to them.)

I keep trying to play Mario Kart but the "hand--eye coordination" isn't what it used to be! The kids make a lot of fun of me because I tend to really "get into" my moves as I'm driving. At least I'm good for a laugh!! :) Oh's fun!

I also got an iTouch! I'm so excited about it but I'm still trying to figure it all out. I really wanted it for playing music in the living room since we don't have a stereo or radio upstairs. I'm working on getting some nice speakers...and how to run it! (Just ask the kids...they know how to do it all!)

Hope you had a great holiday and are ready to go for 2009!!


Josh & Melissa said...

Hey! We have MarioKart too! We should play against each other! We can even get Paul and Erin and play with ALL of us! What do you think?

Michelle Denson said...

As long as you're willing to let me have 12th position! :) I am VERY consistent and attached to that position and don't want to give it up in the near future. If you can live with that...I'm IN!! :)