Thursday, September 23, 2010

Charlie helping the boys

The other night, Bob and Zack were in the garage working on the four-wheelers. Bob came running in the house and told me to get the camera and HURRY! I ran out there to find Charlie in the middle of all the work. They said Zack was laying on the floor working under the wheeler and Charlie wanted to be part of the process.

Charlie wasn't on top of Zack...he was straddling him!
As they worked, Charlie started putting his paws up on the tire. Of course, Charlie had to be VERY vocal (as usual) and kept barking at Zack. Zack's reaction..."I don't know what you want! Speak more clearly!!" Charlie did tell him LOUDER...just not clearer! :)

With no encouragement at all, Charlie then began to climb UP on the wheeler. The only thing Zack did was steady it for him so it wouldn't roll. I can't believe how much this dog LOVES to be in the middle of EVERYTHING!

That's a really BIG butt on a 4-wheeler!! :)

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