Thursday, February 23, 2012


As I explained, probably in way too much detail a month or so ago, this has been an incredible past few months! I've gone through experiences I would have NEVER dreamed of, nor would I EVER have asked for them!! With that said, I can't believe the blessings that I've had and, looking back, I can see the tender mercies of the Lord through it all. Isn't it great we can have "hindsight" so we can be grateful??

I found an amazing blog a couple of weeks ago. This lady is a friend of a friend and has done some amazing things with creating a planner that covers multiple aspects of our lives making sure we live a balanced life, created 30-day challenges for self-improvement, etc. From what I've heard, she's the real deal in person as well as on a blog! Love that!! (You can find her blog here.)

Here's a quote I found on the blog that I thought was INCREDIBLY applicable for me right now:

"What seems to
us as bitter
trials are often 
in disguise."
--Oscar Wilde

WOW!! Isn't that great?? So...I've chosen to look for the "blessings in disguise" from the past few months. 

I have no idea how I EVER was lucky enough to nab this guy! In 24 more days, I will have had him officially by my side for 29 years! HOLY CRAP!!!! How did that happen since I'm pretty sure I'm only 30! ;) You know, when you're dating and newlyweds, you have this "vision" of what life will be like. Of course, it NEVER turns out that way!! Bob and I learned very early in our marriage to NEVER ask, "What next?" Every. single. time. we did, we found out...HUGE!!!!!!!!!! Over the past few years, we have gone through periods where things are going so smooth and so great...then at some point we stop and realize how great it is...then BAM!!!!! We get knocked off our rockers. It's great and incredibly frustrating at the same time! The past year has been one of the doosies! It is so true that when you marry someone, you get the whole package...FAMILY! I'm sure if Bob knew what he was getting down the road, he would have turned and run the other way as fast as he could! Who would blame him?? he is, right by my side, holding my hand (and the rest of me, if necessary) the whole way! I honestly know, without a single doubt, I could not have gone through this without him. He's been my shoulder to cry on, my "logical" reminder, my listening ear when I need to vent, and help-meet in every single sense of the word! He's amazing and I know I'll never be able to express the appreciation I have for him! Good thing I have eternity to try!!

Then, there are these three. WOW!!! The big marshmallow cowboy in the first picture gave us experiences there were some of our BIGGEST trials ever! LOOK AT HIM NOW!!!!!!!!! His bringing Kenzi into our family was such an incredible blessing! She and Zack have grown up so much in the past five years and have become amazingly wonderful people who bless our lives every. single. day! Then, in the midst of all the "crap," they brought the sweet little cowboy-to-be into our family. Wyatt has been such a miracle! Zack and Kenzi are over here a lot which is fine with us! They walk in the door and hand Wyatt over to me (unless one of the "crazies" are home then I have to fight them off) and let me snuggle, kiss, feed, change him to my heart's content (unless the "crazies" are home...). The minute that little guy comes in the door, there is peace and a spirit that we know means heaven is so incredibly close! It's AMAZING!!! Again, so grateful for eternity so we can enjoy this forever!! :)

And then there's THESE three!!! Aren't they adorable?? At the beginning of the "mess," Andrew/Drew joined our family and brought heaven closer to our lives. We know without a single doubt these two boys were sent here at exactly the right time to help us through the "stuff." Mallorie has been incredibly intuitive and has know exactly when to bring Drew over for some Grandma therapy. All she has done is brought him in, handed him to me, and I know that all is right with the world! It's been incredible! To watch Tom and Mal grow up to be parents of this little schnookums has been absolutely delightful! They are AWESOME! And Drew just gets cuter and more fun every single time we see him. We treasure every single minute we have with them!!! As parents, we couldn't be more proud and can't wait for eternity to keep loving them!!


I'm not sure how it all started, it could have been their behavior around the babies, but I started calling these two "The Crazies." They're the crazy, doting aunts every little kid should have. They absolutely adore the boys and do everything they can to take them away from Grammy Schelle. They also have been amazing to step it up through all the garbage. Maddi has become completely addicted to Pintrest and as a result, has gained a love for cooking. It's been FABULOUS to have home-cooked meals most nights and Bob or I not have to be the one to come up with it. She's still has the sweet, sparkling personality she had as a little girl and can make any of us smile with her antics. She really is CRAZY!!!!! Sammi has brought such an amazing spirit into our home since she returned from her mission. She always had it but now she KNOWS how to use it to help others. She's interjected the "spiritual" side of things on several occasions reminding all of us that we are NOT alone through this and that our Savior is by our side in everything we do. We're so grateful for that reminder to get us, especially me, back on track.

Isn't our Heavenly Father's plan AMAZING?? Isn't it wonderful how he put us together to help each other through the good times and bad? I honestly don't know how people do it without their families!!!


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